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Here's my take:

Current situation in Ukraine analogous to Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. U.S. media full of accounts of our side winning, whatever that means. Eventually we realize we are not winning but rather stuck in a quagmire. In Ukraine, winning for Russia means self-determination for Russian speaking parts of Ukraine, and this is slowly but surely being accomplished. Also, Russia now has the ability to attack Ukraine military forces. So Russian victory can be attained without any surrender by Ukraine and western allies. The new de facto situation will be an expanded Russian sphere of influence, and an increasing independent Russian economy more closely tied to China, India, and other third world nations. Victory for Ukraine could only come about via WW III and western destruction of Russia, but this would be lose lose and west/NATO should not seek this outcome. There can be no Ukrainian victory. Time is on Russia's side as in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, and, ultimately, Afghanistan. The U.S. empire is facing another quagmire. Eventually, Putin will die and future generations of leaders will be able to do the sensible thing and come to detente, where Ukraine will emerge as a healthy country similar to Finland, but not a staging ground for the U.S. in a Cold War.

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